Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

Substance Painter training, substance painter tutorial, substance painter course

Substance painter 2018Substance Painter training, substance painter tutorial, substance painter course

Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

These days, nearly every industrial visualization and game studio uses Substance Painter, making it the industry standard for texture creation, especially for physically-based rendering (PBR). In this course, Wes McDermott takes a beginner’s look at Substance Painter 2018, walking you through a basic project—texturing a simple game asset. He starts with the basics, showing you how to create a new project and import the model, as well as use the integrated baking system. Next, Wes shows how to work with materials and layers and provides a primer on the brush toolset and smart materials. After you finish tackling the fundamentals, Wes shows you how to fully texturize the asset, working step-by-step through the body, tires, and cabin of the example asset, a front-load tractor. He wraps up by showing you how to create portfolio renders using Iray, the integrated path-tracing renderer in Substance Painter.
Learning Objectives:
Creating a new project
Backing texture maps
Fixing overlapping UVs and AO
Creating a metal material
Texturing the body, tires, and cabin of the vehicle
Applying dirt and rust
Exporting textures
Rendering in Iray


Substance Painter video training, substance painter tutorial, substance painter video course

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